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Requestor Onboarding a Contractor

Onboarding on behalf of a contractor is one way the verify coverage compliance when using Asuretify. This is accesible to you, as the requestor, after you have created a contract. On the last step of creating a contract, you have the options to 'Invite Contractor to Start Onboarding' and 'Start Onboarding on Behalf of Contractor'. Throughout the onboarding process, you will also be completing the administrative review, like completing 2 steps at one time-getting the contractor details uploaded and verified! Yay efficiency!

After selecting to complete the onboarding process on behalf of the contractor, the first thing you see is a summary of the insurance requirements for this contract.

Verify Profile Details

Next is verifying the contractor's profile details. Ensure the accuracy of these details and select the administrative status within the same step.

With administrator review included in this onboarding process, you can mark each item as 'Pending Review', 'Incomplete', or 'Confirmed'. These are the descriptions of statuses assigned in the administrator review:

Pending Review: Information needs to be reviewed by administrator

Incomplete: Insufficient requirements/incorrect data

Confirmed: Information provided on this page is acceptable (even if all original requirements set forth are not met)

Details marked as 'Incomplete' should have a reason added to note and communicate with the contractor if further action is required to verify compliance status.

As an administrator, you can also include notes for the report that everyone can see, as well as internal notes that would only be visible to you and any other administrative user that has been granted access.

Uploading Contractor Coverage Docs

Up next is uploading the contractor's coverage documents. You can use the drag and drop fields to drop a coverage document into the field in Asuretify. You can also click 'choose file' to open your documents and select the intended file.

If the insurance document provides coverage for more than one line of business, the applicable coverage can be marked after uploading. After each upload, you can select the other applicable coverage areas stipulated within the document.

Agents & Coverage

Asuretify handles the hard part of gathering and filling in agent details from the uploaded insurance documents. All you need to do is review the details and give your thumbs up if everything looks good! If anything needs to be changed regarding the agent or agency details, that can be done from this screen by clicking the paper with pencil icon. Up next is coverage comparison!

Coverage Comparison Summary

With company details verified and coverage documents uploaded, you're almost finished verifying coverage compliance with maximum efficiency! Asuretify's Artificial Intelligence analyzes coverage outlined by the uploaded coverage documents and compares them with predetermined requirements for this project.

Review the comparison summary to see how the details compare:

  • A Green Check indicates that the provided coverage information meets the requirements

  • A Red X indicates that the provided coverage information does NOT meet the requirements

If any coverage does not meet minimum requirements originally stated when creating the contract but you deem it satisfactory for this contract, you may still mark it as confirmed and their status will appear as 'Conditionally Compliant' and they will appear as onboarded. Details regarding their conditional onboarding would be discussed between you and the contractor.

Final Steps

The last steps are to complete one final review of compliance summary details and submit details to be saved. If any details are missing or do not match, an alert will appear, alerting you with the details. If needed, you can 'Go Back' and make the necessary changes or you can 'Continue without Changes'.

When you see that green check mark of success, you're finished! Be sure to click 'Close and Notify' to ensure notification is sent to the contractor. You've verified compliance and finished onboarding the contractor in a fraction of the time. Great work!