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Understanding the Symbols

As you navigate Asuretify, you may notice different symbols to represent compliance status, levels of verification, and more. Here you can reference those symbols and find out their meanings to eliminate any confusion

Symbols Key

Symbols are used to represent compliance verification status.

  • A Green Check indicates that the provided coverage information meets requirements that have been set by the requestor

  • A Red X indicates that. the provided coverage information does NOT meet the requirements that have been set by the requestor

  • A Yellow Check indicates the administrator/requestor has deemed the coverage information acceptable, even though it does not meet the expectations

  • A Yellow Triangle with Exclamation indicates the requestor needs to review the submitted information

  • A Blue Question Mark indicates that a manual review is required by the administrator/requestor

Levels of Verification

The level of verification for each line of business is indicated by the number of colored bars next to each.

  • 1 Bar indicates that only one Asuretify user has